jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011


Area Educación, Cultura e Investigación y mas

1.-José del Pozo
Profesor de Historia e Investigador

Nací en Viña del Mar (Chile) en 1943. Hice mis estudios de liceo en Quilpué. Entre 1961 y 1965 seguí la carrera de profesor de historia y geografía en el Instituto Pedagógico de la Universidad de Chile.
     En 1967 viví un año en Leipzig, Alemania, con una beca para hacer estudios de postgrado. En 1972 tuve mi primer cargo de profesor, en la Universidad del Norte de Antofagasta.

     En marzo de 1974, como tantos otros chilenos, me fui del país. Partí a Canadá con mi familia y al año siguiente, en enero de 1975 comencé a enseñar en la Université du Québec en Montreal(UQAM), a tiempo parcial. En 1982 pasé a ser profesor reemplazante y desde 1987 soy profesor regular en esta institución.

     El año anterior, en 1986, completé mi doctorado en historia, que hice en la Université de Montreal. En Montreal me he interesado en las actividades comunitarias. He sido colaborador de Desarrollo y Paz y de la Liga de Derechos y libertades.
     Fui vicepresidente del Consejo chileno de Quebec entre 1990 y 1992 y luego fui uno de los fundadores de la Asociación de profesionales chilenos(PROTACH), de la cual fui su presidente, entre 1998 y 2000.

     Soy casado con Miriam Maruri, también profesora, a quien conocí en mis tiempos de estudiante en el Pedagógico. Vivimos en Longueuil, municipalidad de la ribera sur, muy cerca de Montreal. Una de mis tres hermanas y mi madre viven también en Longueuil. Tenemos un hijo, Felipe, que estudió la carrera de Comunicaciones en la UQAM.

     Soy jugador de tenis (clase B en Montreal, segunda categoría en Chile) y muy aficionado al fútbol, en especial en lo que se refiere al Everton de Viña del Mar, mi equipo favorito. Además del español y el francés, puedo leer y comunicarme en inglés y comprendo el alemán, el italiano y el portugués.

A partir de enero de 2011 comenzaré una nueva etapa de mi vida, ya que ocuparé mi cargo de profesor universitario a media jornada solamente, lo que será una semijubilación. Esta situación se mantendrá hasta agosto de 2014, fecha en que mi jubilación será definitiva. Pero hasta entonces seguiré manteniendo este sitio al día, y continuaré dedicado a la historia

2.- José D. Flores, PhD.
Jose D. Flores
Professor of Mathematics
Fulbright Senior Specialist
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of South Dakota
414 East Clark St, Vermillion, SD 57069. USA.
Professional Interest
Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Ecology, Scientific Computing, Numerical Solutions of Ordinary  and Partial Differential Equations, and  Teaching Mathematics using Technology.

Professional Preparation
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.  Mathematics: Numerical Analysis, Ph.D. 1990.  Thesis: “Iterative Methods for Solving Integral Equations of Second Kind.”
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Mathematics, M. S. 1984.
Universidad Técnica del Estado, Santiago, Chile. Magister en Matemáticas 1977.
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. B.S. Mathematics, 1973.

Appointments in USA
University of South Dakota, Full Professor, 2001-present
University of South Dakota, Chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences 1997-2000.
University of South Dakota, Associate Professor, 1994-2001.
University of South Dakota, Assistant Professor, 1989-1994.

Other recent relevant academic activities/appointments

1.      International collaborator in the grant 1090132/2009-11 of the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondecyt), Chile “Plasticity of interactions and its consequences for the robustness of ecological communities to ecological disruptions.”  
2.      Visiting research faculty, National Center for the Environment (Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CENMA)), Santiago, Chile, January 2-14, 2011.  Workshop: “Computational Algorithms for Ecological networks.
3.      Adjunct professor, Mathematical, Computational & Modeling Sciences Center (MCMSC) at Arizona State University, 2009-present.
4.      Visiting research faculty, co-coordinator of the summer Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) at the Center for Mathematical, Computational, and Modeling Sciences Center. Arizona State University.  June –August 2010.
5.      Visiting research faculty, National Center for the Environment (Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CENMA)), Santiago, Chile, May 15-June10, 2010.
6.      Visiting research faculty, Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute (MTBI) at the Center for Mathematical, Computational, and Modeling Sciences Center. Arizona State University.  June –August 2009.
7.      Visiting faculty as Fulbright Senior Specialist, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso,Valparaíso, Chile. July-August, 2008.

Recent Publications (Peer Reviewed)

1.      “Plasticity of interactions and its effect on the robustness of ecological networks to species extinctions." This is an ongoing research project with Fernanda S. Valdovinos and Dr. Rodrigo Ramos-Jiliberto from The department of Ecology at The University of Chile, and the National Center for the Environment, Santiago, Chile. In progress.

2.      "Topological plasticity increases robustness of mutualistic networks."  Rodrigo Ramos-Jiliberto, Fernanda S. Valdovinos and José D. Flores. Submitted to Ecology January 2011.

3.      "Dynamical complexity in the Leslie-Grower predator-prey model as consequences of the  Allee effect on  prey” Eduardo González-Olivares, Jaime Mena-Lorca, Alejandro Rojas-Palma and José  D. Flores. Appl. Math. Modelling 35 (2011) 366-381.

4.      “Structure and dynamics of pollination networks: the role of alien plants”. Fernanda S. Valdovinos, Rodrigo Ramos-Jiliberto1, José D. Flores2, Claudia Espinoza1, and Gioconda López1.  1Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 2Department of Mathematics. The University of South Dakota, USA.  Journal of Ecology OIKOS Vol. 118 (8) (2009) 1190-1200.

5.      “Role of Inducible Defenses in the Stability of a Tritrophic System.” Rodrigo Ramos-Jiliberto, Jaime Mena-Lorca, José D. Flores and Waldo Morales. In the international journal on Bio-complexity in the Environment and Theoretical Ecology "Ecological Complexity". Elsevier. Vol. 5, 183-192, 2008.

6.      Modeling the management of fragmented forests. Is it possible to recover the original tree composition? The case of the Maulino forest in Central Chile.Ramos, C., J. A. Simonetti, J. D. Flores & R. Ramos-Jiliberto. In the international journal “Journal of Forest Ecology and management”, Elsevier.  255(7): 2236-2243, 2008.
7.       “Allee effect, emigration and immigration in a class of predator-prey models.Eduardo González-Olivares, Hector Meneses-Alcay, Jaime Mena-Lorca, Betsabé González-Yañez and José D. Flores.  Biophysical Reviews and Letters (BRL)  3 (1/2) (2008), 195 – 215. Special issue of the."BIOMAT 2007 - International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational "The conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of Second Kind”, International Journal of Computer mathematics, Vol. 48, pp. 78-94, 1993.

Recent Conferences/Presentations:

1.      “A ratio-dependent predator-prey model with Allee effect on the prey”. José D. Flores and Eduardo González-Olivares.  This paper was presented (via Skipe) at SMB/ BIOMAT 2010. The join conference of the Society for Mathematical Biology and the 10th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology held at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from July26- July 29, 2010.
2.      "Dynamical complexities in the Leslie-Gower predator-prey model as consequence of the Allee effect on prey" at the Mathematical and Theoretical Biology Institute in the Computational and Modeling Sciences Center at Arizona State University, July 23, 2010.
3.      Harrington Lecturer “Research in Mathematical Ecology and The struggle for Existence.” College of Arts and Sciences, September 23, 2008.
4.      Presented the research paper “Multiple attractors in a Gause type predator-prey model with Allee effect on prey and a non-monotonic functional response” at the VIII Chilean meeting of Mathematical Ecology held at the Catholic University of Maule, Talca, Chile. August 28-29, 2008.
5.      Invited panelist by Fulbright–Chile to the forum “Innovative Strategies for Science Education.” I presented the talk “Using the internet as a tool to teach mathematics.”  The event sponsored by the office of cultural affairs of the US Embassy in Chile and the University of Talca, campus Santiago was held on August 29, 2008.
6.      “Mentoring prospect PhD Students to attend US institutions” Fulbright-Chile Mentoring Series.” Instituto Chileno-Norteamericano de Cultura.  August 19, 2008.
7.      Fulbright Senior Specialist. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile. July 20 to August 31, 2008.  I delivered a six week course in "Computational Mathematics".
8.      “Workshop in Mathematical Neurosciences” Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, The University of Minnesota, June 16-27, 2008.
9.      “Maplets for Multivariable Calculus.” The International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (ICTCM) San Antonio, Texas, March 6 – 9, 2008.
10.  “Multiple Allee Effect in a Bioeconomic Model”. José D. Flores, Jaime Mena-Lorca, Eduardo González-Olivares, Betsabé González-Yañez.  This paper was presented at BIOMAT 2007, International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology held at Amaraçäo dos Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 24th to 29th November 2007.

Awards and Recognitions:

1.      2008 Harrington Lecturer “Research in Mathematical Ecology and The struggle for Existence.” September 23, 2008.
2.      2006 Richard and Sharon Cutler Faculty Award in Liberal Arts.
3.      1996 Teacher of the Year, presented by the USD Student Association.

3.-  Zeev Hagalí
     Ingeniero, Experto en Agua

Resumen Curriculum Vitae Ing. Zeev Hagali

Nací en Alemania 18.4.1931, me eduque en Chile 1939 -1955 egresando de la Universidad Santiago antes Universidad Técnica del Estado/ Artes y Oficios.

Vivo en un Kibutz (colonia Colectiva) en el Valle Emek Hefer en el centro de Israel.

Aquí estudie Administración Rural y en especial Manejo de Aguas de uso Agrícola.

Activo en Alcaldía Regional. Directorio comisión Estatal del  Medio Ambiente. Presidente Emérito de las cuatro Asociaciones Regionales Eco Agrícolas y de Agua de Riego. Directorio Asoc. Rehabilitación del Rio Alexander Valle Hefer con hincapié en Parques, calidad de agua, Amistad con nuestros vecinos Palestinos, educación ambiental. Director del Grupo Voluntarios que promueven actividades mantención, educativas e informativas.

Directorio en el Instituto Israelí Chileno de Cultura. Presidente "Amigos de la KIDMA Hashomer Hatzair Chile" ( Movimiento Juvenil Sionista Chileno) sobre su historia hice un estudio cuyo libro fue publicado  en Chile 2007 e Israel 2004 en español y hebreo.(foto adjunta en el acto del lanzamiento sala Bernardo O'Higgins, Ministerio RR.EE).

Presidente Emérito de la Asociación de Regantes de Israel, Ex Director de la Escuela Secundaria Kibutzim ¨Maayan High School¨. etc.etc.

En el año 2002 salió una descripción de la Empresa de Riego con agua rehusada a presión de la Empresa que levante en 1984 en nuestro Valle que hoy abastece 26 Millones de mcu. Por la F.A.O.de la NU. Que es el sistema modelo a nivel Mundial.

En 2003 levanto la Asociación Agrícola Ecológica Regional la planta de Biogás que resolvió el problema del Estiércol la cual produce electricidad verde además de aportar fertilizante pasterizado. Es por hoy la más grande del Mundo ya que recolecta el estiércol de los establos entre Haifa y Tel Aviv.

En 2007 con mi amigo Dr. Daniel Fridman hicimos una Investigación Regional sobre este Valle Hefer, trabajo que fue pedido por el Gobierno de Israel. Replanificamos  la Agricultura y su riego dando hincapié en los beneficios económicos, medio ambiente, conservación de suelos y acuíferos, aumento de producción y mejora de calidad de los productos. Llegamos a la conclusión de fomentar el uso de agua desalizada la cual económicamente, salud etc. etc. solo trae beneficios.

Por ello las autoridades nacionales decidieron adelantar los proyectos de plantas a lo largo de las costas de Israel ya que es un aporte económico, además de ser una necesidad de existencia.

4.-Alejandro Mujica Olea 

          Autor de seis libros bilingües y fundador junto con Ariadne Sawyer de “EL MUNDO DE LA POESIA” (500 escritores aproximadamente) y el programa radial “EL MUNDO DE LA POESIA en un café” en la radio Cooperativa 102.7 FM y en la Internet http://www.coopradio.org/ y http://www.worldpoetry.ca/
          Fundador junto a otros escritores del “Proyecto Cultural Sur Vancouver”.  Presidente del Proyecto Cultural Sur Canadá.
          Ganador en el 2003 de la Medalla de Plata Gonzalo Cantón Santelices.

5.- Jaime Oyarzo Espinosa
    e-Learning Consultant
   Lund University Education, Sweden

Jaime Oyarzo Espinosa

Associated Professor, Computation Sciences and Artificial Intelligence Department,
Computer Science School, University of Alcala, Madrid Spain

Personal blog (spanish): http://jaimeoyarzo.blogspot.com/

6.- Osvaldo Salas
    profesor e investigador 
   Universidad de Gotemburgo

Curriculum Vitae

Lugar y fecha de nac.
Lugar de trabajo

Osvaldo Roberto Salas
Santiago de Chile, 1953-08-04
Doctor en Economía, Universidad de Gotemburgo, Suecia
University of Gothenburg
School of Publics Economics
Box 712
405 30 Göteborg

Teléfono: +46 31 786 19 42

  • Obtención del grado de Doctor en Economía (9 juni 1994)
  • Universidad de Gotemburgo, Suecia, 1985-1994
  • Universidad Autónoma de Colombia, 1976-1980
  • Universidad de Chile, 1973-1974

·         Universidad de Gotemburgo, Escuela de Administración Pública,. Profesor asociado 1994- 
·         Universidad de Borås, Departamento de Economía, Profesor asociado. 2008-

·         Växjö University, Departamento de Economía, Profesor asociado. 2001-2009

·         University of  Skövde. Profesor asociado. 2000-2001.

·         Universidad de Gotemburgo, Departamento de Economía, Profesor asociado, 1989-1999

·         Kommunikationsforskningsberedningen (KFB), investigador (jornada parcial),1995-1999.   KFB financió la investigación y esta se desarrolló en el Departamento de  Economía de la Universidad de Gotemburgo.

·         Universidad de Gotemburgo, Departamento de Economía , Director del programa de magister en economía, 1991-1994.

·         Universidad de Gotemburgo, Departamento de Economía, Secretario académico, 1989-1994.


·         Profesor de la cátedra  ”Economía del sector público” nivel maestría y de la cátedra  ”Métodos cuantitativos” en el programa de doctorado en  en la Escuela de Administración Pública de la  Universidad de Gotemburgo.

·         Profesor de las cátedras de microeconomía  en el Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Borås.

·         Dirección de tesis de grado en las universidades de Gotemburgo especialmente en las siguientes áreas: microeconomía, desarrollo económico y economía del sector público.


·         Könsskillnaderna på arbetsmarknaden och deras inverkan på kvinnors företagande. (Diferencia de sexo en el mercado de trabajo y su efecto en las mujeres  empresarias) Proyecto de investigación  2008-2010.

·         Privatización y cambio estructural en Chile: el caso de las empresas de agua potable. Proyecto de investigación 2003-2004.

·         Produktivitet och framtida efterfrågan på kollektivtrafik i Växjö kommun. (Estudio de productividad y demanda de transporte colectivo en la comuna de Växjö) 2003.

·         Effektivitet och produktivitet i  kollekttivttrafiken” (Estudio de eficiencia y  productividad del transporte colectivo) 1996-1999.

·         Introduktion av el-hybridfordon i färdtjänsten i Göteborgs kommun: en samhällsekonomisk nytto-kostnadsanalys (Introducción de vehículos  eléctricos e hibridos en la comuna de Gotemburgo: un análisis costo-beneficio), 1998-1999.

·         Socialförsäkringsekonomisk utvärdering av Dagmar-projektet i Bohuslän. (Evaluación socio-económica del projecto Dagmar de la región de Bohuslän). 1994-1995.
·         Teknisk effektivitet och produktivitetsutveckling i den colombianska cementindustrin (eficiencia técnica y desarrollo de la productividad en la  industria del cemento en Colombia) 1989-1993.

7.- Raquel Friedman de Neumann
       Años haciendo escultura y pintura

8.- Osvaldo Nuñez

OSVALDO NUÑEZ RIQUELME nació en 1938 en La Huerta de Mataquito, en la provincia de Curicó, en el seno de una familia muy modesta. Realizó sus estudios secundarios en el Seminario de los Padres Redentoristas. Luego estudió derecho en la Universidad de Chile.  Se tituló de abogado.
Obtuvo una beca para seguir estudios de postgrado en la Universidad Católica de Lovaina, en Bélgica, desde 1966 hasta 1969. En ese establecimiento obtuvo un diploma en derecho social y relaciones industriales
Durante sus estudios universitarios trabajó en el Instituto Nacional y en el Ministerio de Educación.
Desde 1970 hasta 1973, trabajó para el gobierno de Allende, primero en la Compañía de Acero del Pacífico y luego como Secretario General de la Superintendencia de Bancos. A raíz del golpe de Estado, en 1974 se exilió en Montreal, Quebec, Canadá, país donde fue asesor de la Federación de Trabajadores de Quebec. Se distinguió por su incansable defensa de los trabajadores inmigrantes.
 Fue elegido diputado federal en 1993, el primer diputado de origen chileno y latinoamericano elegido en Canadá. Durante cuatro años formó parte del gabinete fantasma y fue el portavoz de la Oposición oficial en materia de ciudadanía e inmigración. Como diputado promovió y votó a favor del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Chile y Canadá, firmado en 1996, así como de un convenio de seguridad social entre Chile y Canadá y otro entre Chile y Quebec.
En 1998, en Montreal,  fue nombrado juez administrativo del Consejo de Servicios Esenciales, tribunal casi-judicial con jurisdicción en materia de relaciones laborales del sector público y semi-público.
Ha sido presidente del Consejo Chileno de Quebec y de otras organizaciones de chilenos en Canadá.
Se acogió a jubilación a fines de 2004. Cada  año pasa varios meses en Chile. Osvaldo Núñez está casado con Zaida Macías, abogada. Tienen dos hijos y cuatro nietos.
Junto con  chilenos que vienen temporalmente a Chile formó el COMITÉ CHILE SOMOS TODOS, en 2005, cuyo objetivo fundamental es luchar por el reconocimiento del derecho a voto, sin condiciones, de los chilenos que residen en el exterior.
En 2010 publicó sus Memorias intituladas “DE CHILE AL PARLAMENTO DE CANADA. Memorias de un Exiliado”. Además, es autor de varias publicaciones y artículos sobre derecho del trabajo, sindicalismo, derechos humanos, corrientes migratorias y refugio político.
Está casado con Zaida Macías, abogada, y es padre de dos hijos y abuelo de cuatro nietos.
Montreal, mayo de 2011.
Correo electrónico: osvaldonunez@sympatico.ca
Blog: osvaldonunez.net.over-blog.com


10.- Leo Orellana
        Coordinador Programa SIRCHAL (AFAA - DAPA) 
       Revilatización de los Centros Históricos de las Ciudades de América Latina y el Caribe 
       Tel. :33 (0) 1 53 69 39 47 - Fax : 33 (0) 1 53 69 83 42 
       e-mail: leo.orellana@afaa.asso.fr 
      Association Francaise d'Action Artistique 
      Ministère des Affaires Etrangères 
      1 bis, ave de Villars 
      75007 ? París 

De la arquitectura a la dirección de proyectos, con una trayectoría que lo llevó de Chile a Francia, pasando por
 varios países de Africa, trabajó en París, en el Parque de La Villette por 14 años y ha capitalizado 25 años de una
 sólida experiencia en la conducción y realización de proyectos inovadores en arquitectura, urbanismo y patrimonio
 A partir de fines de 1996, ha creado, definido y desarrollado el Programa SIRCHAL (Seminarios Internacionales
 sobre la Revilatización de los Centros Históricos de las Ciudades de América Latina y el Caribe). Dirigido a partir de la
 Dirección de Arquitectura y Patrimonio del Ministerio de Cultura y Comunicación de Francia y desde el 2000, en el
marco de una convención entre este Ministerio y el de Relaciones Exteriores, el programa interministerial SIRCHAL
constituye, después de 4 años de trabajo, una red de más de 100 actores y decidores latino-americanos y
 europeos, en más de 20 ciudades. 
Nombrado Chevalier des Arts et Lettres el 14 de Julio 2000, realmente comprometido y apasionado, participa en la
promoción de la arquitectura y del patrimonio y al desarrollo de proyectos de cooperación internacional entre Francia
 y América Latina. 

11.- Eliana D Rojas

     Ph.D Fulbright Senior Specialist
     Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
     Teacher Education/ Global-Socio-Cultural Contexts / Mathematics
     Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut
     Office Phone: 1-860-486-2005   Cell Phone:   1-860-208-7940

Eliana D Rojas, Ph.D
Ph.D. en Educación con énfasis en Curriculum and  Educational Studies. Máster en educación matemática. Profesora de matemáticas,
Post Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction: Best Practices for ELL’s 
Director Proyecto REALL: Curricuum and Instriuction-Bilingual/Multicultural Setting
Co- Director Proyecto UFRO-UCONN E-Learning (Semi- Presencial) Magister in Mathematics Education
Áreas de especialización:
·         Evaluación y Acreditación de la Carrera Docente
o    Competencias Múltiples. (NCATE)

·         Mejores prácticas en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje
o   De las Matemáticas
o   Dinámicas  Didácticas en Ambientes Escolares Diversos (Género-Cultura y Lenguaje) 
o   Discurso en el Salón de Clases: Litercy Intelectual  y Matemáticas  

·         National Standards in International Educational  Project
Siendo incorporada en equipos internacionales de evaluación de proyectos educativos.
Académica de la  Neag School of Education de la  Universidad de Connecticut. Recientemente   recibe    el Premio “Oustanding Latino/a Teacher of the Year” de la  Universidad de Connecticut
Participante  activa en organizacionales académicas nacionales e internacionales NCTM, OELA, NABE,  TODOS/NCTM etc Es representante oficial  a los Estados Unidos de CIAEM (Comité Interamericano de Educación Matemática)
NCATE: (National Council for Acreditation in Teacher Education): Miembro activo del equipo evaluador  regional.
Su  trabajo  incluye  investigación   y práctica  en el área de enseñanza del  contenido matemático a jóvenes adolecentes Latinos  y Latinas en sectores de alta pobreza en Connecticut,  Estados Unidos.
Su trabajo se concentra, además, en  desarrollar relaciones entre comunidades al interior y exterior de la escuela. Su discurso promueve la integración de  los conocimientos disciplinarios, lenguaje, cultura y  experiencias previas de los estudiantes.  
Un  proyecto  seminal  enfocado  en   resolución de problemas  matemáticos basados en temas  de responsabilidad  social, cívica,  medioambiente y salud,  fue recientemente premiado con 1.5 millón de dólares por el gobierno federal de Washington.  El proyecto de cinco años intenta identificar prácticas pedagógicas en tres niveles, la escuela (7º - 8º, 1º  - 4ºmedio)   la familia y  las Escuelas de Educación y Artes Liberales en la Universidad de Connecticut. El proyecto intenta identificar múltiples factores impactando la definición de competencias pedagógicas en múltiples niveles.
Sus Proyectos de Investigación Premiados con Fondos Nacionales e Internacionales incluyen:
Principal investigator: US-Federal Grant. (Master) US $ 1.3 M USDE Federal Grant.(2003-2006)
Principal investigator: US-Federal Grant. (Master- Six Year Diploma) US $ 1.5 M USDE Federal Grant (2007-2012)
Co-PI National Office for School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA) Research Scholarship Application April 2008 College Board Granted US$ 2,500
Consultant-Contributor NSF Research Grant: High School-Pre Engineering and ELL Latino Learners (2008-2011)
Chancellor Award:  Calculus-Spanish Course Development Grant. President Office UCONN. US$ 8, 000. (May, 2005)
Co-Principal investigator: US-Federal Grant. (MA.TEACEP.) US $ 1.3 M (2003-2007)
Project Director: US Federal Grant. (PhD TPP.).US $ 2.6 M: USDE- Federal Grant. (MA. TPP) US $ 2.4M (1999-2004)
Collaborating Units, the University Schools and Parents Community:  Professional Development for All and Its Impact on Children Performance. (2007-2012)
Effects of a MA Degree on ELL Teachers Professional Grow and Commitment: Follow up to 30 Ell’s Teachers. Connecticut Schools. CT. (2006 – 2010) 
World Bank: In Service Teachers  P D. of 25 Mathematics Teachere Ministry of Education of  Chile
Discourse in Mathematics Classroom: Becoming Mathematically Literate. Connecticut Schools. USA (2005-2007)
Su trabajo, y participación activa  incluye  construir colaboraciones entre ambas regiones,  Latinoamérica  y   las comunidades de Latinos y Latinas al interior de loa Estados.

12.- Maria Teresa Lepeley
        Destacada Profesora y Economista

Nació en Valparaíso-Chile.
María Teresa Lepeley es educadora y economista con tres décadas de experiencia internacional y multidisciplinaria, en investigaciones dedicadas a desarrollar una metodología global para optimizar recursos y aprendizaje, y evaluar, implementar y mejorar la calidad en educación. Su modelo de gestión es promovido por el Banco Mundial como método para evaluar y mejorar la calidad en educación en varios países.

La próxima semana estará en Santa Cruz y dictará un par de conferencias. Es presidenta del Global Institute for Quality, institución que otorgará la certificación al colegio San Lorenzo.
También entrena a educadores para ser líderes de calidad.
Autora del libro “Gestión y Calidad en Educación. Este es un libro de educación, que se enfoca en la gestión y en una metodología específica para resolver problemas y aumentar la calidad de la educación. Pero no es un libro tradicional de educación en la forma de abordar el tema. El aspecto central es la importancia de la persona, del ser humano, de cada persona; de ahí nace la crítica necesidad de la educación para avanzar el desarrollo humano. Profesora y directora de programas de gestión y negocios internacionales en la Universidad de Chile. Ha sido catedrática de la Universidad de Connecticut y la Universidad de Chile. Su gran preocupación es el bienestar del ser humano y su formación integral.
Miembro del Consejo de Examinadores de Calidad del Premio Nacional a la Calidad en Educación Malcolm Baldrige de Estados Unidos y ex Examinadora Senior del Premio Nacional a la Calidad de Chile.
Entre las muchas actividades y funciones que cumple María Teresa Lepeley, se destaca como Miembro de la Academia de Gestión de Estados Unidos, y de la Sociedad Americana de la Calidad.

Teléfono EEUU: 1 . 860 - 888-3807
 Residencia: Washington DC. Estados Unidos

13.- Etcheverry, José
      Email: rejose@yorku.ca
      Assistant Professor
 Etcheverry, José
Assistant Professor
BA Hons (Geography & Environmental Studies) York, MA (Geography & Environmental Studies) Toronto, PhD (Geography) Toronto

"The essential content in any educational program – whether on syntax, biology, physics, mathematics, or the social sciences – is that which makes possible discussions of the mutable nature of natural reality, as well as of history, and which sees men and women as beings capable not only of adapting to the world but above all of changing it"
Paulo Freire

Areas of Academic Interest

  • Climate Change Mitigation;
  • International and National Renewable Energy Policies;
  • Rural Electrification;
  • Educational and Capacity Development Networks;
  • New Media and Communications.
My work is focused on developing practical policy solutions to climate change through collaborative efforts. I am particularly interested in strategies to develop all renewable energy sources to their full potential and in finding new ways to communicate effectively about solutions to climate change and energy problems.
During my work outside of academia I have observed first hand the growing need for professionals with better training to address environmental problems. That is why I decided to join FES and become part of an outstanding group of people which are in the unique position to collaborate in the education of the next generations of problem-solvers and innovators.

Major research projects

Currently I am actively engaged in the development of the Sustainable Energy Initiative a new research and training effort that involves the Faculty of Environmental Studies, the Toronto Region and Conservation Authority, the Energy Institute of Centennial College and leading international organizations.
For 2010-2011 I am also focusing on initiatives to help improve the exemplary renewable energy programs that are now in place in Ontario and also in research aimed at developing and promoting new climate change mitigation strategies and renewable energy initiatives in key countries of the Americas.

Other positions/affiliations

  • Chair Member, World Council for Renewable Energy
  • Board Member, Canadian Renewable Energy Alliance
  • Member, Board of Directors of the Windfall Ecology Center
  • Board Member, REAP-Canada

Select prizes and awards

  • Centennial College Alumnus of Distinction, 2007
  • Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award, 2003
  • Mexican Government Ministry of Foreign Relations, 2000 Scholarship
  • University of Toronto Open Fellowship, 1996-2002
  • Labbatt Award, 1999-2001

Select publications

Etcheverry, J. (2009). Desarrollo pleno de las energías renovables en chile: seguridad energética, prosperidad e innovación en Cuadernos de Difusión: Centro de Estudios Internacionales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Etcheverry, J. (2008). Chapter 10: Renewable Energy. In Gore, C and Stoett, P. Environmental Challenges and Opportunities: Local–Global Perspectives on Canadian Issues. Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications.
Etcheverry, J. (2005). Smart electricity options. Alternatives Journal 31 (1) 32-36.
Etcheverry, J et al. (2004). Smart Generation: Powering Ontario with Renewable Energy. Vancouver: David Suzuki Foundation. Available at http://www.davidsuzuki.org/.
Recent research contributions
REN21. (2010). Renewables 2010: Global Status Report. Paris: REN21 Secretariat. Available at http://www.ren21.net/
Electricity Distributors Association. (2009). Building Sustainable Communities: The Danish Experience. Documentary available at http://www.eda-on.ca/eda/edaweb.nsf/0/A1DE8B467BFAC7AB85257657007288BD
Etcheverry, J., O’Malley, L. and Taylor, L. (2009). Ontario’s Road Map to Prosperity: Developing Renewable Energy to its Full Potential. Research Paper written for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.
Etcheverry, J. and Riahi, L. (2008). IRENA - Joining Forces. Renewable Energy World Magazine, 11 (6).

Current courses

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DSc. en Ciencias Agrícolas, Biogas Universidad Técnica de Munich

Experto Chileno, especializado en Alemania.
DSc. en Ciencias Agrícolas, Biogas Universidad Técnica de Munich
Grados académicos:
2000: Licenciado en Ciencias de losAgrorecursos con Mención en Agronomía.Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
2001: Ingeniero Agrónomo. Especialidad en Zootecnia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
2002: Magíster en Producción Animal. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
2007: Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas. Especialidad en Bioenergía (Biogás). Universidad Técnica de Munich, Alemania. Antecedentes Laborales.

Investigador Científico.Department of Biogas Technology andResidues Management.Institute for Agricultural Engineering.Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture.
desde enero 2004: Jefe de Proyectos y LaboratorioDepartment of Biogas Technology andResidues Management.Institute for Agricultural Engineering.Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture.

Otras actividades.
desde enero 2004: Encargado de Capacitación de AsesoresEstatales de Baviera en Tecnología de Biogás.
desde enero 2005: Asesor para Baviera del Control de Calidad deResiduos Digestados (Gütegemeinschaft Gärprodukte) de la Asociación Alemana de Biogás (Fachverband Biogas e.V.).
desde julio 2005: Asesor de Gerencia de la Asociación Alemana deBiogás (Fachverband Biogas e.V.).
desde enero 2006: Asesor Privado en Proyectos y CapacitaciónTecnológica y Científica en el área de Biogásen Alemania, España y Chile.

Publicaciones y Presentaciones.
KAISER, F., F. BAS & A. GRONAUER (2002): Producción de Biogas a partir de Guano Animal: el Caso de Alemania. Revista Agronomía y Forestal UC. Nr: 16 Julio 2002. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. pp. 4 – 8.
EFFENBERGER, M., M. SCHLATTMANN, F. KAISER, A. GRONAUER (2002): Stand der Biogastechnologie in Bayern. In: Bayerisches Landesamt für Umweltschutz (Veranst.): Biogasanlagen – Anforderungen zur Luftreinhaltung (Augsburg, 17.10.2002). Augsburg, 2002.
KAISER F., V. ASCHMANN UND A. GRONAUER (2003): Dry Fermentation of Agricutural Substrates. In: 9th International Symposium ASAE – Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes, 12-15 October 2003, North Caroline, USA, S. 325 – 332.
KAISER F., M. DIEPOLDER, J. EDER, S. HARTMANN, H. PRESTELE, R. GERLACH, G. ZIEHFREUND UND A. GRONAUER (2004): Ertragspotenziale verschiedener nachwachsender Rohstoffe in landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlagen. In: Biogas in Bayern. Tagungsband zur Jahrestagung am 09.12.2004 in Rosenheim, S. 43 – 55.
KAISER F., M. DIEPOLDER, J. EDER, S. HARTMANN, H. PRESTELE, R. GERLACH, G. ZIEHFREUND UND A. GRONAUER (2004): Biogaserträge verschiedener nachwachsender Rohstoffe. In: Landtechnik 59 (2004) H. 4, S. 224 – 225.
KAISER F., UND A. GRONAUER (2004): Methanerträge verschiedener nachwachsender Rohstoffe. In: Biogas Journal (2004) H. 2, S. 22 – 25.
KAISER F. AND C. DA COSTA GOMEZ (2004): Overview of Biogas Technology and Legislative Framework for Biogas Utilization in Europe. In: International Conference - Bioenergy for Sustainable Rural Development, 8-10 November 2004, Viña del Mar, Chile. Proceedings Vol. 1 pp. 1 – 12.
KAISER F., UND A. GRONAUER (2005): Verdaulichkeit der Inhaltstoffe verschiedener nachwachsender Rohstoffe in Biogasanlagen. In: 14. Symposium BIOENERGIE - Festbrennstoffe, Flüssigkraftstoffe, Biogas am 24./25. November 2005 in Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein, S. 290 – 295.
KAISER F., UND A. GRONAUER (2005): Methanertragspotenziale verschiedener nachwachsender Rohstoffe in landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlagen. In: 12. C.A.R.M.E.N.-Forum „Strom und Wärme vom Acker“. Tagungsband zur Jahrestagung am 14. März 2005. Hrsg.: Centrales Agrar-Rohstoff-Marketing- und Entwicklungs-Netzwerk e.V. (CARMEN). Straubing, 2005, S. 39 – 53.
KAISER F., SCHLATTMANN, M. UND A. GRONAUER (2005): Methanertragspotenzial verschiedener nachwachsender Rohstoffe in Laborfermentern und deren Übertragbarkeit auf die Praxis. In: 7. Tagung Bau, Technik, und Umwelt in der Landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung 2005, 1.-3. März 2005 in Braunschweig. Eds: Max-Eyth-Gesellschaft Agrartechnik im VDI (VDI-MEG) Düsseldorf; Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V. (KTBL) Darmstadt.
KAISER, F. & A. PÓVEZ (2005): Las virtudes del Biogás. Revista Agronomía y Forestal UC. Nr: 26 Octubre 2005. Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. pp. 29 – 31.
KAISER, F. (2006): Gasausbeute von Substraten die im ökologischen Landbau üblich sind. In: Biogaserzeugung im ökologischen Landbau. KTBL-Fachgespräch am 5./6. April 2006 in Braunschweig. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e.V (KTBL). DarmstadtKAISER, F. (2006): Fütterungsrationen für den Fermenter – Ist der Fermenter eine Hochleistungskuh oder ein Extensivrind. In: Effizienzsteigerung von Biogasanlagen. 5. Rottaler Biomasse Fachgespräch. 07. April 2006, Vilstalerhof, Rottersdorf.
KAISER, F. (2006): Energiepflanzen und ihre Ertragspotenziale. In: Bioenergie, Zukunftschancen für Kommunen und Land- und Forstwirte. 24.05.2006 Landsberg am Lech. Tagung- ZIEL 21 – Zentrum Innovative Energien im Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck e.V.
KAISER, F. AND A. GRONAUER (2006): Potentials and Risks of Using Renewable Raw Materials for Biogas Production. In: XVI CIGR World Congress „Agricultural Engineering for a Better World“. 3.-7.09.2006 Bonn. VDI-Berichte No. 1958, pp. 711 – 712.
ASCHMANN, V., R. KISSEL, F. KAISER, M. EFFENBERGER AND A. GRONAUER (2006): Exhaust emissions and performance of biogas-driven combined-heat-and-power plants. In: XVI CIGR World Congress „Agricultural Engineering for a Better World“. 3.-7.09.2006 Bonn. VDI-Berichte No. 1958, pp. 705 – 706.
KAISER, F. (2007): Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen für den biologischen Biomasseaufschluss. In: Biomasse - Kostenfaktor Nr. 1 in der Biogasanlage. 6. Rottaler Biomasse Fachgespräch. 30. März 2007, Vilstalerhof, Rottersdorf.
KAISER, F. (2007): Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen für den biologischen Biomasseaufschluss. In: Kongress Narotech 2007. 6.-9.09.2007. Messe und Kongresse für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, Erfurt. RUIZ, B., F. KAISER, D. ANDRADE, A. PÓVEZ AND A. GRONAUER (2007): Methane Yield Improvement in Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Valencia Late Oranges and Cattle Manure. In: 11th IWA specialist conference on anaerobic digestion. 23 - 27 September 2007, Brisbane, Australia

Experto Chileno, residente en USA,
Ph.D. en Energía y Recursos;
Universidad de California, Berkeley


2007: Chair, California Measurement Advisory Council (CALMAC). Organized and led monthly meetings on a variety of energy efficiency evaluation topics, including presentation of recent research and policy issues.
2007 to Team Lead, Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Led the energy efficiencyDate evaluation group within Customer Energy Efficiency (CEE). Assigned work to a team of four. Ongoing support to CEE with strategic market segment assessments and process evaluations of energy efficiency programs, risk assessment of meeting portfolio goals, and evaluation policy advocacy with the California Public Utilities Commission.
2006 to Supervisor, Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Led the EM&V group within the2007 Customer Energy Efficiency Group (CEE). Assigned work to a team of four. Hired 3 team members. Team carried on strategic research on energy efficiency opportunities, evaluation policy and methodologies, and risk assessment for the energy efficiency portfolio. 2000 to Sr. Project Manager, Pacific Gas & Electric, Corp.2006 Manage the evaluation of commercial, industrial, and residential sector energy efficiency programs in California. Provide policy, technical support, and analyses on evaluation and implementation of a portfolio of energy-efficiency programs administered by California Investor-Owned Utilities. Portfolio in 2006-2008 will spend $ 2.8 Billion. Among evaluations managed are California energy efficiency potential studies, industrial sector studies, industrial and commercial sector energy-efficiency retention studies, building commissioning in California, School energy-efficiency programs, emerging technologies, non-residential audits, and energy efficiency for data centers. Prepare briefs on energy efficiency policy and input to programs’ design. Multiple presentations on energy efficiency policy and evaluation results at key conferences and meetings.
2000 to Consultant, Applied Energy Group, Inc. date Co-manage the Argentina and Peru portion of the evaluation of the Efficient Lighting Initiative (ELI) project of the IFC/GEF. Interact and direct the local and regional ELI implementing entities and evaluation teams. Project promoted energy-efficient lighting in seven countries.
2005 Consultant, Atkinson & Associates.Study on long-term impacts of Mexico’s Ilumex residential efficient lighting project. Sponsored by Canadians as part of a longterm review of GEF funded projects. Provided critical advice on data sources, persons to interview, did some interviews, and drafting/editing of report.
2000 Consultant, Aspen Systems Corporation.Critically reviewed and provided background knowledge on Mexico for a report on Energy Services Companies (ESCO) promotion to FIDE, Mexico’s energy efficiency trust fund. 1997 to Consultant, Natural Resources Defense Council.1999 Outreach effort that compiled NGO input to the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IADB) Energy Strategy document in 1997, 1998, and 1999. Critiqued particularly lack of environmental sustainability in the IADB’s Energy0 Strategy.Advocated successfully for the first loan exclusively for energy efficiency, a 23.8 million dollar IADB loan to Mexico's FIDE (Fund for Electric Energy Efficiency).Advocated and promoted increased energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in Latin America. Provided NGO input to the Summit of the America’s Hemispheric Energy Initiative and attended the Hemispheric Energy Initiative's meeting in Lima, Peru. Promoted energy efficiency programs and the establishment of an umbrella group of energy and environmental NGOs in Mexico for independent advocacy and monitoring of Mexican progress on energy efficiency and renewable technology adoption.Promoted and participated in three seminars that discussed how to ensure that energy efficiency and renewable technologies have a future role in the proposed privatization of Mexico's electric sector. Ongoing advocacy on energy efficiency and renewable resources with Mexican legislators, public and private sector actors, academics, and NGOs.
1999 Consultant, Energy Efficient Strategies of Australia. Reviewed the current status of electric energy efficiency test standards and regulations in Chile, Mexico and Peru. Involved intensive interviews, compilation and analysis of references and data, and drew upon past involvement in Mexican minimum-energy-efficiency-performance standards enactment. The project provides information to allow further homogenization of minimum-energy-efficiency-performance standards, test methods, and energy labels among countries of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Purpose is to foster trade in more efficient appliances, partly for environmental considerations. 1998 Consultant, Mexico Energy Intelligence Inc.Provide ongoing analysis of the Mexican electric sector. Prepared a presentation on Mexican electric sector data availability and quality.
1998 Consultant, Future Resource Associates.Co-authored a paper on Joint Implementation in Mexico as part of a larger description of such activities worldwide. Involved interviews and compilation and review of documents of Mexico's climate change views and activities.
1997 Consultant, International Institute for Energy Conservation.Critiqued of report on Brazilian lighting efficiency programs.
1997 Consultant, DW Consultores, A.C.With funding from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC, created under NAFTA), revised and translated a report on the environmental impacts of the restructuring of the Mexican electric sector.
1997 Post-doctorate, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryWith funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), identified and interviewed electric motor users and distributors in the Philippines as part of research on the local market to enhance the availability and adoption of efficient motors.
1992 to Graduate Student Research Assistant, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1996 Primarily with USAID and some USDOE and USEPA support, conducted energy analyses and compiled data on climate change activities in developing countries. Elaborated a comprehensive residential electric energy efficiency program for Costa Rica that included Demand-Side-Management (DSM), minimum energy efficiency standards and energy labels for appliances, new credit and financial arrangements for households, and electric tariff's modifications. Costa Rica has since implemented a residential DSM program to introduce 350,000 compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). Examined the economic and technical feasibility of "Ilumex", a 23 million dollar DSM project ($10 Million from the GEF) that introduced 2.7 million CFLs in Mexican homes. As part of Ilumex, managed a 1000 home lighting survey, did in-depth economic analyses, helped define early project parameters and implementation schemes, and co-authored numerous papers on Ilumex. The Ilumex project was then replicated throughout Mexico, selling more than 10 million more CFLs. Collected data on climate-change activities in 15 countries that was then posted on the internet.
1996 Consultant, International Institute for Energy ConservationWith CEC funding, interviewed Mexican industrial and commercial facilities to examine energy efficiency in-house practices and where they got their expertise, and co-authored a report on findings. Project focused on companies having operations in all three NAFTA countries to examine whether they shared energy efficiency information and the institutional setup for dealing with energy and efficiency.
1991 to Graduate Student Research Assistant, Energy & Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley. 1995 As part of the Ph.D. research, and with funding from the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, UC Mexus, and Tinker Foundation, examined the potential for saving electricity in Mexican homes and then, programs and policies to capture such savings opportunities. Became a participant-observer through extensive interactions with Mexicans to promote more efficient lighting technologies (e.g., over 10 residential CFL projects), institute minimum energy efficiency residential appliance standards and energy labels (particularly for refrigerators), and improve knowledge of energy end uses and electric savings potential in Mexican homes. Mediated between government policymakers and private entrepreneurs/industrialists to help projects and policies advance. Organized an international conference: "Energy and Environment in Mexico's Residential Sector" in Mexico City, December, 1991.
1991 Consultant, Rocky Mountain Institute.Identified key Mexican contacts and served as liaison to Mr. Amory Lovins' trip to Mexico. Met with top-level public energy and environment officials and energy efficiency promotion agencies, and gave talks to academics and environmental NGOs. One result of these meetings was CONAE's (the Mexican energy savings commission) project to retrofit public buildings.
1991 Consultant, Synergic Resources Corporation.Identified key Mexican contacts and served as liaison to Mr. Eric Woychik's trip to Mexico. Met with public energy and efficiency promotion officials to promote adoption of the COMPASS model for DSM program design.
1987 to Graduate Student Instructor, University of California, Berkeley1990 Taught lectures, led discussion sections and helped design courses on "Energy and Society" (ER100), "Energy Efficiency and Conservation" (Physics 180), "Current Environmental Issues" (CRS 10), and "Analytical Aspects of Global Environmental Problems" (ER 102). Students in all but Physics 180, came from many different disciplines leading to varied viewpoints on both the issues and their solutions.
1987 Reader, University of California, Berkeley Energy & Resources 102 "Analytical Aspects of Global Environmental Problems". Corrected weekly problem sets and exams.
1985 Research Engineer, The Scientific Research Foundation, Israel.Under Dr. Harry Tabor, calculated minimum tilt adjustments required of a concentrating parabolic solar collector to make it socially and economically feasible in rural regions of developing countries. Idea was to minimize the number of yearly tilt adjustments to the solar collector without significantly reducing the solar energy collected. Organized and catalogued a large solar energy library.
1983 to Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel.1984 Taught two practices in the Mechanical Engineering laboratory. One was on gyroscopes, the other on internal combustion engines.Taught Industrial Engineering students a semester course on the basics of Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Thermodynamics.
1980 to Research Engineer, Lordan Solar Energy, Kibbutz Kfar Szold, Israel.1983 Designed, built, carried out and analyzed experiments on solar collectors and solar water heating systems. Assembled solar flat plate collectors. Estimated performance for fan coil units.
1979 to Research Assistant, Institute of Engineering, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico.1980 Designed the support structure and heat absorber of a 6 kW solar concentrating parabolic collector for use in remote solar thermal electricity applications.Designed, supervised construction, and operated a three cubic meter biogas organic digester at the Institute, another two 1.5 cubic meter models in two rural sites in Mexico, and wrote two manuals on their operation, for rural extension agents and peasants, respectively.

Ph.D. in Energy & Resources, University of California, Berkeley. December 1996.Dissertation: Saving Electricity in Mexican Households: Implementation Issues and Savings Potential.
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology. December 1983.Thesis: Effect of Flow on Forced Circulation Solar Water Heaters. B.Sc. in Energy Engineering, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico. June 1979.Thesis: Estudio Bibliográfico de Colectores Solares de Aire y Su Aplicación en un Sistema de Ventilación Pasiva de un Establo (Bibliographic Study of Solar Air Collectors as a Passive Ventilation System for a Cow Stable).

PROFESSIONAL COURSES:Using Program Theory & Logic Models in Evaluation, International Evaluation Institute, San Francisco, CA. January, 2006.Using Technology to Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness of Evaluations, International Evaluation Institute, San Francisco, CA. January, 2006.Linking Evaluation Questions To Analysis Techniques, International Evaluation Institute, San Francisco, CA. January, 2005.
Sampling: Basic Methods for Probability and Non-Probability, International Evaluation Institute, San Francisco, CA. January, 2005.
Implementation Analysis to Improve Program Performance and Outcomes, International Evaluation Institute, San Francisco, CA. January, 2004.
Outcome and Impact Assessment, International Evaluation Institute, San Francisco, CA. January, 2004.
Basic Qualitative Methods, International Evaluation Institute, San Francisco, CA. December, 2002.
Beyond the Raised Floor: Green Building HVAC Systems; Underfloor Air Systems; Cooling Residences Without Air Conditioning; Load Management/Load Shedding; HVAC Retrofits; Data Collection and the Universal Translator; Building Energy Analysis; Measurement & Verification Evaluation Tools; Daylight, Electric Light and Controls; Lighting Fundamentals; Energy Audits; Evaporative Cooling Design; Evaporative Cooling; Building Energy Audits; Lighting Design for Architects; The Best Retrofitting/Relighting Strategies; Fundamentals of Skylighting in Non-Residential Buildings. Pacific Energy Center, PG&E. 2000-2003. Series of one-day courses.
Packaged HVAC Systems, Commercial Refrigeration, Chilled Water Systems, Electric Motors & Adjustable Speed Drives, Energy Efficiency Boiler Operations, Compressed Air Systems, Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration, Efficiency of Natural Gas Systems, and Process Water Treatment Technologies. Industrial Strength Seminars, PG&E. 2000-2001. Series of one-day courses.
Advocacy Training, Plan to Lead Program, Oakland. 2002. Parent advocacy 18 week training.
TRIGA Nuclear Reactor Supervisor course, Salazar, Mexico. July 1979.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation: Grant to attend IAEE Meeting and strategic advice on energy sector work, Mexico City. October, 2003.
C.S. Mott Foundation: Institutional Grant, NRDC, 1997 to 1999.
The Tinker Foundation: Institutional Grant, University of California, Berkeley. 7/1992 to 6/1995.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation: Collaborative Studies Grant. 1/1991 to 12/1993.

UC MEXUS: Research Grant. 7/1990 to 6/1991.
Center for Latin American Studies: Travel Grant. Summer, 1990.
University of California, Berkeley: Regents Fellowship. 8/1986 to 5/1987.
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel: Lady Davis Fellowship. 10/1981 to 9/1983.

Mesa Ciudadana de Energía. Mexico, 2004-2005
Association of Energy Services Professionals. USA, 2002
Asociacion de Tecnicos y Profesionistas en Aplicacion Energetica, A.C. 1999

School volunteer: Emerson Elementary and Willard Middle Schools, Berkeley. Fall 1997 to date. Classroom helper, PTA (Secretary, Funding Committee), Berkeley Schools Excellence Project Member, School Site Council Member, violin coordinator, Healthy Start Collaborative steering committee and after-school program committee, help in various cultural events (Fiesta Latina, Dia de Muertos, Jewish Holidays, Walk-a-Thon, Family-Fun Night).
Emergency Team PG&E 2001 to date.
Soccer referee. Rockridge Soccer Club. 2005.
Soccer coach. Rockridge Soccer Club, Two teams (under-8 and under-12 boys). 1998 to 2004.
Plan to Lead. As part of this parent advocacy training, volunteering to advocate for music and arts in Berkeley Schools. 2002 to date.

Spanish and English: Excellent.
French: Understand most written, basic spoken.
Portuguese: Understand most written and spoken.
Hebrew: Basic written and spoken.

R. Friedmann. 2006. “The Aches and Pains of Forecasting Mature Energy-Efficient Measures Energy Efficiency Potential” Panel Moderator. 16th National Energy Services Conference. San Diego, CA. Feb. 6-8.
R. Friedmann. 2005. ““Measuring Net-to-Gross: Market Effects and Free-Ridership”. Panel Moderator. ”. Consortium for Energy Efficiency. San Francisco, CA. December 13.
R. Friedmann and K. James. 2005. “Optimal Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Energy Efficiency Portfolio”. 2005 Energy Program Evaluation Conference, IEPEC. Brooklyn, NY. Aug. 17-19.
R. Friedmann, K. Bradley and C. Torok. 2005. “Justifying the Audit Program Expense: A Study of California’s Nonresidential Retrofit Programs”. Energy Program Evaluation Conference, IEPEC. Brooklyn, NY. Aug. 17-19.
F. Coito, F. Powell, E. Worrell, L. Price and R. Friedmann. 2005. “Case Study of the California Cement Industry”. Energy Program Evaluation Conference, IEPEC. Brooklyn, NY. Aug. 17-19.
R. Friedmann, K. James and M. Rufo. 2005. “A Journey Into the Best Practices Website”. Energy Program Evaluation Conference, IEPEC. Brooklyn, NY. Aug. 17-19.
F. Coito, E. Worrell, L. Price, E. Masanet, R. Friedmann and M. Rufo. 2005. “California Industrial Energy Efficiency Potential”. 2005 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry. Aug.
F.Coito, F. Powell, E. Worrell, L. Price, and Rafael Friedmann. 2005. “Case Study of the California Cement Industry”. 2005 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry. Aug.
R. Friedmann. 2005. “Eficiencia y Alternativas Energéticas en California: Ideas Para México”. CISAN CISAN International Seminar, México D.F., México. May 12-13.
R. Friedmann. 2004. “Effective Governance of PGC Funded Energy Efficiency”. Panel Moderator. 15th National Energy Services Conference. Clearwater, FL. Dec. 6-8.
R. Friedmann. 2004. “Back to the Future --- Energy Efficiency Potential Studies -- Lighting the Way to the Future!”. Panel Co-Moderator. . 15th National Energy Services Conference. Clearwater, FL. Dec. 6-8.
M. Myers, B. Mayo and R. Friedmann. 2004. “Who Says Small Customers Can’t Be Reached? A Few Program Concepts for Attracting Small Customers to Energy Efficiency Programs”. 2004 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. August 22-27.
R. Friedmann and K. James. 2004. “Less is More! Energy Efficiency as a Strategy for Energy and Environmental Policy in Mexico and South Africa”. 2004 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. August 22-27.
L. Freeman, J. Lopes, E. Vine, M. Adelaar, D. Shipley, B. Atkinson, R. Friedmann, I. Sulyma, K. Tiedemann, and J. Habart. 2004. “Results From the Efficient Lighting Initiative: Amazing Outcomes and Implications for Market Transformation”. 2004 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. August 22-27.
R. Friedmann. 2003. “Energy Efficiency Potential in California”. Consortium for Energy Efficiency. San Francisco, CA. December 9.
R. Friedmann and K.L. James. 2003. “Lessons Learned From the California Energy Crisis: Efficiency Matters”. International Association of Energy Economists Conference. Mexico City, Mexico. October 19-21.
E. Vine, L. Freeman, J. Lopes, M Adelaar, B. Atkinson, R. Friedmann, and I. Sulyma. 2003. “Interim Process Evaluation of the Efficient Lighting Initiative: 1999-2001”. International Energy Program Evaluation Conference. Seattle, WA. August 20-22.
M. Rufo, R. Friedmann, and F. Coito. 2003. “Integrating MA&E and Planning Studies to Understand and Capture Industrial Program Potential”. International Energy Program Evaluation Conference. Seattle, WA. August 20-22.
M. Myers, K. Bradley, P. Willems, and R. Friedmann. 2003. “The Mom and Pop Machine Shop—Designing Programs for Small Industrial Customers”. International Energy Program Evaluation Conference. Seattle, WA. August 20-22.
R. Friedmann, C.A. Dickerson, M. Rufo, F. Coito, and J. Larkin. 2003. “Residential Energy Efficiency Potential in California”. International Energy Program Evaluation Conference. Seattle, WA. August 20-22.
P. Willems, R. Friedmann, K. Bradley, and M. Myers. 2003. “The Mom and Pop Machine Shop: Designing Programs for Small Industrial Customers”. 2003 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry. July 29-August 1.
M. Rufo, R. Friedmann, and F. Coito. 2003. “Electric Efficiency in California’s Industrial Sector: The Potential Gap”. 2003 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry. July 29-August 1.
R. Friedmann, C.A. Dickerson, F.J. Coito, J.K. Larkin, and M. Rufo. 2003. “Energy Efficiency Potential in California”. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Conference on Energy Efficiency as a Resource. Berkeley, California, June 9-10.
R. Friedmann. 2002. “California’s Energy Efficiency Policies and Programs: A view from its muddy trenches”. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, August 18-23.
R. Friedmann and F. Coito. 2001. “California Industry and Energy Efficiency: Opportunities and Past Programs”. International Energy Program Evaluation Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. August 21-24. pp.521-539.
R. Friedmann. 2001. “La Crisis del Sector Eléctrico Californiano: Ejemplo de una Crisis de Gubernancia en los Inicios del Nuevo Milenio” CISAN International Seminar on The New Actors in the North American Space, México D.F., July 16-18. México
R. Friedmann. 2001. “La Crisis del Sector Electrico Californiano”. XXII Seminario Nacional Sobre el Uso Racional de la Energía. México D.F., March 14-16. México.
R. Friedmann. 2000. “Negawatts & Renowatts: Los Patitos Feos del Sector Eléctrico Mexicano?”. México y Política Pública: Desarrollo Sostenible para el Siglo XXI. Morelia, Michoacán. September 9. México.
R. Friedmann. 2000. "Latin American Experiences with Residential CFL Projects". American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, August 20-25. P. Maldonado, R. Friedmann,and G. Jannuzzi. 2000. "Energy Efficiency in Public or Privatized Power Systems: Contrasts of the Brazilian, Chilean and Mexican Experiences". American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, August 20-25.
R. Friedmann. 1999. "Eficiencia Energética y Reforma al Sector Eléctrico Mexicano". XX Seminario Nacional Sobre el Uso Racional de la Energía. México D.F., November 15 19. México. pp. X.VI.
R. Friedmann, G. Jannuzzi. 1999. "Evaluating Mexican and Brazilian Residential Lighting Demand-Side Management Programs: Progress and Unresolved Issues". 1999 International Energy Efficiency Evaluation Conference, Denver, Colorado. August 18-20. pp. 81-92.
R. Friedmann. 1999. "Privatización Eléctrica en México?" Presented at the First Forum on Shared Visions. April 14-16, Guanajuato, Mexico. PROFMEX-State of Guanajuato. Forthcoming.
R. Friedmann. 1999. "Latin American Experiences with Residential CFL Projects". International ILUMEX Seminar. March 24-26. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. (also in Spanish). pp. 73-84.
J. Sathaye, K. Andrasko, W. Makundi, E. La Rovere, N. Ravindranath, A. Melli, A. Rangchari, M. Imaz, C. Gay, R. Friedmann, B. Goldberg, C. van Horen, G. Simmonds, & G. Parker. 1999. "Concerns about climate change mitigation projects: summary of findings from case studies in Brazil, India, Mexico and South Africa". Environmental Science & Policy. 2:187-198.
G. Baker & R. Friedmann. 1999. "Reflections on Electric Power Restructuring in Mexico". WorldTrade Executive, Inc. February 28. pp. 9-10.
R. Friedmann. 1998. “Conception and Implementation of Large-Scale Efficient Lighting Programs: Problems and Solutions. The Ilumex (Mexican Efficient Lighting Program) Experience”. Efficientia 98, Rio de Janeiro, October 18-22. Brazil. Forthcoming.
R. Friedmann, C. Sheinbaum. 1998. “Mexican Electric End-Use Efficiency: Experiences to Date”. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 23:225-252.
R. Friedmann. 1998. “Activities and Lessons Learned Saving Electricity in Mexican Households”. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1998 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, August 23 September 30. 5:119-130.
IIEC, Marbeck Resource Consultants, R. Friedmann. 1996. "Northern American Cooperation on Voluntary Energy Efficiency Programs: A Case Study". Report for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation. (December 11).
R. Friedmann and M. Nixon. 1995. "Household Lighting in Guadalajara and Monterrey, Mexico". Right Light Three, Newcastle Upon Tyne, June 18 21. England. Vol. 1. pp. 367-374.
R. Friedmann, O. de Buen, J. Sathaye, A. Gadgil, R. Saucedo, G. Rodriguez. 1995. "Assessing the Residential Lighting Efficiency Opportunities in Guadalajara and Monterrey, Mexico". Energy, The International Journal, Vol 20, No. 2, pp. 151 159.
R. Friedmann. 1994. "Resultados de una encuesta de usos finales de electricidad en los hogares de Guadalajara y Monterrey". XV Seminario Nacional Sobre el Uso Racional de la Energía. México D.F., November 21 25. México. pp. 769 782.
R. Friedmann. 1994. "Saving Electricity in Mexican Homes: Potential and Accomplishments to Date". American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1992 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, August 28 September 3. pp. 4.71 4.79.
J. Sathaye, R. Friedmann, S. Meyers, O. de Buen, A. Gadgil, E. Vargas, and R. Saucedo. 1994. "Economic Analysis of Ilumex, A Project to Promote Energy Efficient Residential Lighting in Mexico". Energy Policy, (Feb): 163 171.
R. Friedmann, O. de Buen, J. Sathaye, A. Gadgil, R. Saucedo, and G. Rodriguez. 1993. "Assessing the Residential Lighting Efficiency Opportunities in Guadalajara and Monterrey, Mexico". LBL 35020.
R. Friedmann. 1993. "Aspectos Humanos a Considerar en Programas de Ahorro Energético en el Sector Residencial Mexicano". XIV Seminario Nacional Sobre el Uso Racional de la Energía. México D.F., November 22 26. México. pp. 141 150.
R. Friedmann. 1993. "¿Ahorro de Energía o Privatización? El Caso del Sector Eléctrico Residencial de México". XIV Seminario Nacional Sobre el Uso Racional de la Energía. México D.F., November 22 26. México. pp. 161 170.
J. Sathaye, R. Friedmann, S. Meyers, O. de Buen, A. Gadgil, E. Vargas, and R. Saucedo. 1993. "Economic Analysis of Ilumex, A Project to Promote Energy Efficient Residential Lighting in Mexico". LBL 34877, 19 pages. (November).
S. Meyers, N. Goldman, N. Martin, and R. Friedmann. 1993. "Prospects for the Power Sector in Nine Developing Countries". Energy Policy. (November) pp. 1123 1132.
R. Friedmann. 1993. "Mexico's Residential Sector: Main Electric End Uses and Savings Potential". Proceedings of the 1993 ECEEE Summer Study: The Energy Efficient Challenge for Europe. R. Ling and H. Wilhite (eds.). ECEEE, Oslo, Norway. Vol. 1, pp. 311 322.
Masera, O., R. Friedmann, and O. De Buen. 1993. "Residential Energy Use in Mexico: Structure, Environmental Impacts, and Savings Potential". LBL 34174, 44 pages. (May).
S. Meyers, N. Goldman, N. Martin, and R. Friedmann. 1993. "Prospects for the Power Sector in Nine Developing Countries". LBL 33741. 128 pages. (April).
Masera, O., R. Friedmann, and O. De Buen. 1992. "Residential Energy Use in Mexico: Structure, Environmental Impacts, and Savings Potential". American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1992 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Asilomar, California, August 30 September 5. pp. 4.137 4.140.
Masera, O., O. De Buen, and R. Friedmann. 1991. "Consumo Residencial de Energía en México: Estructura, Potencial de Ahorro e Impactos Ambientales". Primera Reunión Internacional de Energía y Medio Ambiente. México D.F., December 2 3. México. pp.73 96.
Friedmann, R. 1991. "El Sector Eléctrico Residencial Mexicano: Principales Usos Finales y Potencial de Ahorro". XII Seminario Nacional Sobre el Uso Racional de la Energía. México D.F., November 25 29. México. pp. 347 357.
Friedmann, R. 1991. "Estimación Preliminar del Potencial de Ahorro de Electricidad Para Iluminación y Refrigeración en el Sector Residencial". II Reunión de Ingenieros en Energía y Recursos Energéticos. San Luis Potosí, March 13 15. México.
Friedmann, R. 1990. "Viabilidad Económica de las Lámparas Fluorescentes Compactas en el Sector Residencial Mexicano". XI Seminario Nacional Sobre el Uso Racional de la Energía. México D.F., November 26 30. México. pp. 203 213.
Friedmann, R. 1990. "Ahorro de Energía en el Sector Residencial de México." I Reunión de Ingenieros en Energía y Recursos Energéticos. San Luis Potosí, March 14 16. México. pp.85 88. Itzigsohn, M. and R. Friedmann. 1981. "On the Design of Heat Exchangers for Solar Installations." The Annual Conference on Research and Application of Solar Energy in Israel. (Beer Sheva, February 24 25). ISES and Ben Gurion University of the Negev.

Experto Chileno, residente en Canadá.
Ph.D. en Microbiología de Suelos y Bioquímica; Universidad de Alberta

Present Employment
Research Scientist - Nanobiotechnology for the Agricultural Environment Science Advisor - Environmental Health & Renewable Energy Agriculture and Agri-Food CanadaAddress as above
Employment1984- 1989 Area Soil Conservationist, PFRA, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada1990-1999 Research Scientist, Soil Biochemistry, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada2000-2004 Research Coordinator/Science Advisor, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada2004-present Research Scientist/Science Advisor, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Education- Agronomist Engineer, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 1975.- M.Sc., Soil Fertility, University of Alberta, Canada, 1981.- Ph.D., Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Canada, 1987.

LanguagesFluent written/reading/oral: English and SpanishProficient at reading French
Academic Experience* Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Manitoba, Canada* Lectured on the biochemistry and chemistry of soil organic matter (SOM)* Supervisor of graduate and undergraduate students * Ph.D. & M.Sc. Theses Advisor for Graduate and Undergraduate Students * External examiner for Ph.D. Thesis at the Université Laval, Canada; Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico; and Universidad de la Frontera and Universidad de Concepcion, Chile* Lectured undergraduate soil laboratory courses at the University of Alberta, Canada.

Research and Management Experience
a) Scientific Leadership* National Scientific leader for the project: “From Manures to Novel Bioproducts using. Micro- and Nano-technologies” funded under the Technology and Innovation program of NRCan (2005-2008).* National scientific leader of the Energy Co-generation from Agricultural and Municipal Wastes program funded under the Climate Change Action Plan 2000 Initiative (2001-2006).* National scientific leader of the Biological Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks Research Program funded under the Climate Change Action Plan 2000 Initiative (2001-2006).* National science leader of the Environmental Technology Assessment for Agriculture program funded under the Agricultural Policy Framework (2003-2008).* National manager and coordinator for environmental research programs implemented in Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Program of Energy and Research Development (PERD); Climate Change Initiatives (i.e., National Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Verification System; Technology Early Action Measures; Toxic Substances Research Initiative. * Canadian delegate that negotiated the final text of the document entitled Summary for Government Policy Makers published by Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change of the UN, Montreal, April 2000. * External advisor to an agricultural sustainability and C sequestration project supported by the Mexican Government and the World Bank in Mexico (2002-2005.* Associate Editor for Agricultura Técnica, Chile (2005 to present)* Past Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Soil Science (1997-2002)* International coordinator for an agricultural development project in Costa Rica. Agreement signed between the Canadian and Costa Rican Societies of Soil Science, and supported by the Agricultural Institute of Canada and the Canadian International Development Agency (1997-2000).
b) Simulation modeling, management and environmental issues * Developed kinetic models of SOM, and used the Century model to forecast SOM changes and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from representative crop production systems in Canada. * Integrated Century, soil, climate and land use databases with geographical information systems to forecast the influence of management on SOM dynamics and represent the spatial variability of GHG sources and sinks in cultivated land of Canada. * Assessing the long-term sustainability of agricultural landscapes of Manitoba and the influence of industrial amendments on crop productivity and soil biological properties.* Studied the influence of management practices on greenhouse gas emissions from soils.

c) Soil and crop management, crop production, land use and ecology* Determined the effect of time and method of fertilizer-N placement on crop yield and N losses. * Identified nutrient mineralizing enzymes expressing the influence of land use and tillage. * Established relationships between soil enzyme activity level and nitrogen mineralization. * Established models quantifying grain yield of wheat based on soil erosion and SOM dynamics.* Evaluated the impacts of soil erosion and SOM dynamics on hay production.* Studied influences of crop rotation systems on soil microbial diversity. * Determined the effects of crop management on soil factors influencing soil C stabilization. * Network leader of soil scientists evaluating management effects on SOM dynamics and quality.* Used stable and radioisotopes in studies of nutrient cycling and SOM dynamics. * Assessing the effect of manure addition on soil nutrient supply power.
d) Ecosystem quality * Developed a conceptual model for functional indicators of soil health in sustainable agriculture. * Developed methodologies for assessing the biological, chemical and physical health of soils. * Evaluated the chemical quality of SOM using state-of-the-art technologies of solid 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry. • Identified key ecological functions for chemical components of SOM in terrestrial systems.* Established the positive effects of soil lipid pools on the structural stability of heavy clay soils.* Used conventional methods of statistics to assess the influence of management on crop productivity and soil properties. * Applied geostatistics and spectral analyses to define the spatial variability of soil properties.* Used multivariate analyses to identify key components of nutrient cycling as affected by tillage.
Technology Transfer * In cooperation with the Land Stewardship Environmental Bureau and the University of Guelph prepared a position paper on the role of soil ecology in crop production systems.* Delivered a Soil Conservation Program during 5 years in Southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada.* Organized farmer groups dealing with soil conservation in Southwestern Saskatchewan. * Identified land degradation issues, and promoted the transfer of new technologies through farmer groups in Southwestern Saskatchewan.* Demonstrated to farmers the increased efficiency of N-fertilizers placed in bands and nests. * Determined hydrogeological mechanisms causing dryland salinity in Saskatchewan. * Designed and implemented engineering and agronomic methods to control soil salinity.* Promoted conservation crop production systems through field days and field size demo plots. * Created awareness on soil conservation issues by talking to farmer groups and news media; participated in extension conferences, agricultural exhibitions and workshops in Saskatchewan.* Delivered and administered the Permanent Cover Program that converted marginal degraded land to permanent grassland in Southwestern Saskatchewan.
Financial Resources Management* As a national leader of research project and programs obtained and manages funding for research programs totaling $ 18 M. * Trained and supervised technical, post-doctoral and research associate staff at AAFC; and served as advisor in Graduate Student Theses Committees at the University of Manitoba. * Delivered and managed federal government programs totaling $ 1.9 million for Soil Conservation and Permanent Cover Programs delivered through AAFC and farmer groups. * Established working alliances with universities, private sector, extension and research agencies of provincial and federal governments.

Scientific Recognition, Societies and Awards* Special recognition from the Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Ministers of AAFC and Environment Canada for extraordinary contribution to agriculture and climate change policy, scientific and international negotiation (2003 & 2004), and Canada's successful Presidency of the UN Climate Change Conference in Montreal 2005.* Member of the Canadian and International Societies of Soil Science, and International Humic Substances Society.* Recipient of the Canadian Wheatboard Fellowship (1980 to 1983).* Award presented by Wheatland Conservation Area Inc. for technical and scientific services provided to farmers in Saskatchewan.* AAFC Recognition Award for contributions made to the Research Branch Seminar Committee.* Awarded Teaching and Research Assistantship at the University of Alberta.* Awarded research funds (totaling $2 Million) from government and industry between 1986 and 1999.

List of Publications
Refereed Scientific Journals and Book Chapters1. Schnitzer, M.I., Monreal, C.M. and G. Jandl. 2008. The conversion of chicken manure to biooil by fast pyrolysis. III. Analyses of chicken manure, biooils and char by pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS) and of biooils by pyrolysis-field desorption mass spectrometry (Py-FDMS). J. Env. Sci. and Health Part B (In Press).
2. Schnitzer, M.I., Monreal, C.M., Facey, G.A., and P. Fransham. 2007. The Conversion of Chicken Manure to Biooil by Fast Pyrolysis. I. Analyses of chicken manure, biooils and char by 13C and 1H NMR and FTIR spectrophotometry. J. Env. Sci. and Health Part B 42:1-7. 3. Schnitzer, M.I., Monreal, C.M., Jandl, G. Leinweber P and P. Fransham. 2007. The Conversion of Chicken Manure to Biooil by Fast Pyrolysis. II. Analysis of Chicken Manure, Biooils, and Char by Curie-Point Pyrolysis-Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry (Cp Py-GC/MS). J. Env. Sci. and Health Part B 42:8-17

       Experto Chileno, residente en Suecia.
      DSc. en Propiedades Electromagnéticas Materiales;

     Universidad de Uppsala. 


Nacido en Puerto Aysén, hijo de Eduardo Figueroa Zanelli y Greta Karlstrom Nordin (Sueca, hija de Konstantin Karlströn uno de los firmantes del acta de fundación de Coyhaique). Cursó sus estudios primarios en la escuela rural de Valle Verde, Km 10 de Puerto Aysen. La educación secundaria la completó en la única línea existente, la humanista, en el Liceo de Hombres de Puerto Aysén (Así llamado, aún cuando mixto).
Cursó estudios Universitarios en Concepción obteniendo primero un grado de Topógrafo y luego de Licenciado en Física. Trabajó como profesor invitado en la Universidad Austral de Chile dictando cursos para el cuerpo de profesores de liceo que constituía la planta docente del departamento de Física de esa Universidad, trabajando bajo la dirección del decano Dr. Gustavo Masshetti.
Regresó a Concepción con un cargo en propiedad como instructor el que fue anulado por la dictadura en 1973. Viajó a Suecia como investigador en visita en donde obtuvo el grado de Doctor en Ciencias (Filosofi Doktor i Fysik) en la Universidad de Uppsala. Ha trabajado como investigador y experto en desarrollo industrial en ASEA AB, Central Research and Development Laboratory, Studsvik AB, Energy Technology, Instituto Tecnológico Real de Estocolmo (KTH) como jefe del Centro de estudios y medidas de sistemas de energía.
Posteriormente trabajó en su propia empresa de Consultoría científico-tecnológica SINPAR AB. Vendió su compañía para hacerse cargo de un departamento técnico especializado en el desarrollo de equipos industriales de microondas a alta potencia (10 a 60 kW, vulcanizado de goma, pre-cocción industrial, etc.). Posteriormente fue contratado por Ericsson Energy Systems AB como Jefe de Productos. Unos años más tarde se cambió a Ericsson Network Technologies AB como especialista en descargas atmosféricas y acoplamiento a tierra de sistemas de telecomunicaciones. Ha trabajado posteriormente en distintas organizaciones suecas y para la Comisión Europea en proyectos relacionados con los efectos biológicos de la radiación electromagnética.
Hoy trabaja como Senior Scientist en SAAB AB, Linköping, Suecia en proyectos tendientes a incrementar el uso de la energía eléctrica en aviones modernos (Airbus, Jas 39 Gripen, UAV: Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles, Aviones No tripulados). Es autor de muchas publicaciones científicas y tecnológicas y de varias patentes industriales. Ha dirigido la tesis de graduación de numerosos M. Sc., Ing. Civiles y algunos candidatos a doctor.

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    Saludos desde Alemania
